
1. Ensure all Windows updates have been done. If a Windows update has been started but not completed, the installation may not be successful.
2. Ensure you are signed into the computer as an administrator1. Windows computers can have multiple users and only Windows users which are designated as administrators can perform the installation of this software. An error will occur during installation if you are not signed into Windows with an administrator user.
3. Ensure the computer meets the minimum requirements, which are:
Windows version: Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, and Windows Server 2008, 2008R22, 2012 and 2012R2. Both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows are supported. If you are still using Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP on the computer where the database is to be stored, you will need to download the Database3 Manager verison 3.1, which can be found at Earlier Versions Download page.
System Memory: At least 1 GB [GB = Giga bytes or billions of bytes (characters)] (4GB or more is recommended)
Free Disk space: At least 2 GB (20GB or more is recommended)
Internet Access: Required to use the Cloud Account feature. The cloud feature will not operate when computer is disconnected from the internet.
1. An administrator in computer terms represents the access level of the user. An administrator generally has the highest level of access and can install software, make changes to the access level of other users and perform other tasks which can affect the operation of the computer. Users without administrator access are generally limited in what changes they can make to the computer.
2. R2 stands means Release 2 and is a designation Microsoft has used for its server products when it has made major changes to the product and it releases it as a new version. When R2 is not part of the name of the server product, Release 1 is implied.
3. A Database is a computer term used to mean a file or files where data is stored in a central location for access by one or more users. A database differs from a document file in that a document generally is only accessible by one user at a time and is organized by pages. A database is generally capable of being accessed by many users at once, with each user being able to read and save information at the same time.

Current version numbers:

Current Database Manager version:
Current Management by Statistics version: