A Truly Effective Management Tool
Management by Statistics: The most effective management tool ever created. This is a visual graphing system of production posts and flow lines giving you an un-bias overview of the way your company operates with step-by-step guidelines on how to strengthen weak areas and preserve strong ones.
Based in part on the works of L. Ron Hubbard with many exclusive features not found in any other graphing product on the market today. Effective statistical management consists of finding out why statistics did what they did and correcting down trending statistics and reinforcing the ones that are up by finding out what made them go up.
In many cases you can predict a potential area of trouble and take effective action to handle a future down statistic; long before it can do real damage to the rest of your company’s operations.
Observe and manage all your company's statistics
Set a quota for the new week that is an up statistic
Write condition formulas to improve overall production
Write battle plans based on your condition formula
Review your production daily and make changes to make your quota
The magic of statistical management is to see and use this technology to forecast future slumps and take effective actions now to turn them into affluences. Having timely statistical information at your fingertips is crucial, BUT knowing what specific course of action to take based on the information the graphs provide, is the key.
How does one know whether an activity is worsening or improving? By using statistics, only by using statistics. Statistics will show you what areas of your business are contributing and which one’s aren’t. Get a brief tour of the many features of the Management by Statistics Software, from basic statistic graphs, setting quotas and quota graphs, writing condition formulas & battle plans, and activating the online cloud account.
Having statistic graphs is far cry from actually managing by statistics. One can be a spectator and watch the statistic go up and down but that does not lead to controlling the statistic and making production go up. The Management by Statistics software provides all the tools you need to make production rise and you will see the results in your statistic graphs.
Key Features
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Complete and standard graphing with all the tools you need to monitor the correct statistics that do measure production and take the actions needed to raise statistics along with the references you need to know to send your business in an upwards direction and keep it going that way.
Quota graphs to help you set targets for the week and see how production is progressing towards those targets each day. Each employee can have a graphs with their quote and it should be updated each day.
Complete wizards to help you set up your business rapidly and correctly, including employees, posts (job positions), organizational structure, statistics and users.
Sum-by-category calculations to automatically total all statistics in a category. Adding up total production from various employees is a time consuming task but the sum-by-category calculation feature not only provides you with the totals automatically as each employee updates their production it also provides a complete breakdown of where the totals came from.
Capable of doing complex calculation like percentages, ratios and general formulas. The system performs each calculation for each period type (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc) to ensure correct results. For example, a percentage must be calculated for each period type to obtain a correct result as percentages do not add. If you add the daily percentages up to a get a weekly total the result will be incorrect.
Automatic statistic reports are generated for each post, employee, executive and area of your business.
Organization Information Center to view the production of the all areas of your business on one screen. Each area of your business has its own set of products produced by the employees in that area. Viewing all of these statistics together gives you insight into how your business is doing.
Personnel changes are drawn on each graph allowing you to clearly see who left a post and who was newly appointed and the graph itself tells if that was a good change or not.
The Changes Log lets you record significant changes that occur in your business. These might be personnel changes, a new marketing campaign, new products, etc and these changes can affect your company's production in good and bad ways. Changes log notes can be viewed with the statistic graph that they affect.
Condition writing wizard walks employees through selecting the correct condition and applying the condition formula. Supports daily and weekly conditions.
Battle plan writing wizard is a vital tool in targeting the actions needing to be done on a post.
Track statistics for many period types including daily, weekly, bi-weekly (2 weeks), semi-monthly (half months), monthly, quarterly and yearly while entering them just once on a daily or weekly basis.
Weekly reports written by employees are saved in the system's documents file system for their post.
A free cloud account is included with the software with no monthly fees! Once activated you and your users will be able to view and print graphs, set quotas, write condition formulas and battle plans. The data is automatically synchronized between our cloud server and your MBS 3 database. The account can be deactivated at any time. You select which of your users can have access to the cloud account.
Built-in organizational security automatically permissions users to have access to enter values for their own statistics and post data. There are also private statistics which are only viewable by the post the stat is assigned to and posts above them.
Runs on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 & Windows Server 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019 [32 & 64 bit versions].