Read all instructions as you go for easy, simple installation and use.

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Part 2 – Installing the Management by Statistics Software


Depending on the browser you use, the installer may run automatically or may be saved in your Downloads folder. Just follow the instructions and run the installer to complete the installation.


When you first run the Management by Statistics it will display the Database1 Connections Settings window. Select Windows Integrated Authentication2 3, then click the "Test Connection" button to verify the program is connecting to the database.

Click the Ok button, then the Finish button to save the connection settings.


You will be prompted to enter a user name and password. Enter "admin" for the user and "password" for the password. You will then be asked to change the password, which you should do. A new password will only be accepted if the password strength meter measures medium or higher. This is for your own protection, particularly if you decide to use the Cloud feature.


Next you will see the Company Setup Wizard. Click here for the fast way to define your company in the system to get started now.

1. A Database is a computer term used to mean a file or files where data is stored in a central location for access by one or more users. A database differs from a document file in that a document generally is only accessible by one user at a time and is organized by pages. A database is generally capable of being accessed by many users at once, with each user being able to read and save information at the same time.
2. Authentication has a somewhat specialized meaning in computers. It essentially means to verify the user, which can be done in several ways. The most common means of verifying or authenticating a user is to have the user provide a password.
3. Windows Authentication verifies that the user you signed into your computer with has access. It is assumed that because you have gained access to the computer using a Windows user name and password that you are that person. The database then checks to see if you have been granted access to the data. If your Windows user name has not been granted access, you will not be able to connect to the database.

Current version numbers:

Current Database Manager version:
Current Management by Statistics version: