Feature Spotlight
How to Write a Battle Plan

If you look into any business activity, you may see people hard at work. But how do you know if all the business you see is work that results in increasing the Company's statistics?

We hear from customers every day about how they are using the software to increase their company's overall production. If your company's statistics are not in the range you want them to be then I recommend that you review what responsibility each employee is taking on their own to increase their individual production and statistics.

Is each one of them setting their own quotas, applying the correct formula for the condition of their statistic, writing up their weekly battle plan? Do they monitor and track their own production on a daily basis? This is vital as then each employee has the opportunity to really take their own initiative. This helps to create team members and a stronger group. Those that step up to the plate and take that initiative are the ones that will help pull your company into higher production ranges. They are your gems.

When each employee writes up a weekly Condition Formula & Battle Plan it is easy for seniors & executives to monitor and see what battle plan targets are getting done and if they are resulting in the expected production.

By utilizing MasterTech’s Management by Statistics 3.0, and getting your individual employees monitoring and tracking their own production, you are giving them the tools they need to produce the results you want.

Management by Statistics 3.0 Feature Spotlight: How to Write a Battle Plan:

  1. Click "Actions" at the top of the window. (See screen shot below)

  2. Then Click on "Write a New Battle Plan".

  3. You have the option of either writing a Daily Battle Plan or Weekly Battle Plan.

    1. Check the date to make sure it is for the correct date you want to write a battle plan for.
    2. Select the Post you want to write it for and click next.

  4. You have several options. You can view the "Condition List" - "Past Battle Plans List" - "Junior's Battle Plans"

    Icon legend: (When you hover the curser over the below icons you will see what each one is for.)

    1. Inserts a new section below the currently selected section
    2. Inserts a new target above the currently selected target
    3. Inserts a new target below the currently selected target
    4. Removes a selected target
    5. Moves the currently selected section or target up
    6. Moves the currently selected section or target down
    7. Checks the spelling in the new battle plan
    8. Checking spelling and grammar using your installed Microsoft Word

    1. Under the "Condition List" section, you can review your Condition Formula write-up and write your Battle Plan targets based on it.
    2. Click on New Section and re-name it. Here I have named it "Collections".
    3. Write your first target based on your Condition Formula write-up.
    4. Click on the "Inserts a new target below the currently selected target" icon for every new target you want to add.

  5. Under the "Past Battle Plans List" section, you can Copy over whole sections of past Battle Plans or individual targets.

  6. Under the "Junior's Battle Plans" section, you can Copy over whole sections of any Junior Battle Plan targets you have rights to or individual targets. This is very helpful if you are writing an overall Battle Plan for a Department or a whole company.

  7. When you are done, just click the "Next" button.

  8. a. You can change Headings, sub-headings and section fonts, size and color by clicking on the Text Font Settings Icon.

        You can preview your Battle Plan here. If you need to change anything, just click on "Back" to edit.

  9. When you have the text the way you want it just click "OK":

  10. Once you are satisfied with the Battle Plan, you can print it out or save as a PDF file (Portable Document File) for easy email attachments.

    When you are done, click "Finish".

  11. When a battle plan target is done, you can check it.

  12. When printed or viewed the targets will show as "done". This makes it very easy to log-in and track the progress of any area under your authorization.

Limited Time Offer Exteneded* : Get 2 free bonus users for a total of 3 users - at no additional charge - when you upgrade to the Single-user Management by Statistics 3.0.

Due to popular demand a decision was made to extend this unbelievable offer. There are no monthly fees. A one-time license purchase is all you need. Hurry and get yours today.